
About us

Young Garvan was established in 2003 by a group of young supporters of the Garvan Institute of Medical Research. Our aim is to educate and engage young professionals on the importance of medical research and its impact on society.

Young Garvan raise funds for the Young Garvan Fellowship, which allows a young scientist to broaden their experience by working on a key project at the Garvan Institute. Proceeds from the All Ribbons Ball go directly to funding the Fellowship.

In addition, Young Garvan host three interactive forums each year which investigate current medical affairs and involve a panel of speakers that range from leading scientists to media identities.

Young Garvan’s membership encompasses corporate professionals, families and individuals that are predominantly aged 25 – 40.

We look forward to meeting you at the All RibbonsBall.

Young Garvan Committee

Bondi Vet

"I enjoy how Young Garvan events mix medical research, theory and insight, with humour and practical examples that the audience can relate to. Your events are professional and attract an interesting mix of young and dynamic people."

- Leah, YG Patron

Keep in touch with Young Garvan events

Visit Young Garvan website Visit Young Garvan's facebook group